Friday, September 9, 2011

Speaking One's Truth

I have learned that each of us carries our own fears, worries and concerns about being who we really are.  It is quite evident that we live in an extremely judgemental and critical world.  Even when we truly make an effort to rise above this behavior; it can be challenging for even the most spiritually awake person to always be in a place of discernment and love for all others no matter what their words or actions are.

I have personally been wrestling with putting myself out there globally as a divine channel, crystal programmer and healer; who is of humble service to others in need.  It has taken me 3 years to actually get a website, Facebook, blog and Twitter page.  I realized that I had to recognize, acknowledge my behaviors and release them in order to rise above and remove the fears.  These fears were in fact blocking me from being of service and doing what I love.  I was also subconsciously delaying stepping into my divine life purpose by activities like games, researching, bartering, movie watching, talking on the phone, etc. 

Last night- I simply decided to put my foot down, to take action, to get my website ready by the end of this weekend.  I know I am protected and safe to be who I really am.  I am loved divinely and to me that is really all that matters.
I decided to write this entry as an inspiration to others.  It is okay to be different!  It is okay to be in service to the Divine!  AND it is okay to be utilizing one's gifts to assist others to achieve inner peace.  Unfortunately, there will always be those who do not understand, or accept or acknowledge that we are in fact working in service to the Light. 

The angels remind me that there are many souls at different levels of understanding.  They remind me that each soul has different triggers, lessons and experiences that they have come into this life to learn from.   "For they know not what they do..."  Forgiveness of self and others is most important.  Truly loving others is unconditional....." For they know not what they do."

My wishes for all of you....

May you find the courage, motivation and inspiration to truly be who you are.  May you step into a new period of your life; where you do what you love.  May you easily and effortlessly identify your Divine gifts, talents and abilities.  May all of those closest to you love and support you.  And most of all; be at peace and be happy!

Blessings of Love, Joy and Abundance now and always!
Love Always

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