Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Divine Messages in Songs

For as long as I can remember; I have always had songs playing in my head!  I remember going on a family vacation; where we were crabbing.  I could not get the song " Playing with the Queen of Hearts" out of my mind.  I was singing it all day.  I am surprised I was not thrown OVERBOARD by my family!  I was thinking the entire time of catching more and more crabs.  (Now, I feel badly as they are our friends in the Ocean.) I must have driven my entire family nuts that day!  Bless their hearts! 

The songs have always been perfectly timed.  The messages right on in the moment.  I will have to add another post in the future as I am not remembering all of the songs tonight.

Some of the angels repeated favorites are:   "The Wheels on the Bus GO Round and Round"- (Message life is supposed to be fun!  I need to have some fun time!) (OR those around me, need me to loosen them up or not take life or work so seriously) by breaking into song!!!!)
" Jimmy Cracked Corn and I Don't Care"  (BTW Where did this one come from anyway!  I think this song is hilarious!  It always makes me smile and laugh!) Who is Jimmy anyway? 
" Crazy for trying, crazy for loving you, etc." by Patsy Klein
"Tom's Diner" By Suzanne Vega- I get this one alot for the beat or at other times for the words.
"You are My Sunshine"
" Calling all Angels"- especially- "show me a sign; let me know you are there." (usually when I have asked for a sign.)
" Please won't you be my neighbor"  Mr Rodgers Theme song.
"Spinning Wheels" " What goes up...must come down...etc." (Hilarious!)
"Sometimes you feel like a nut; sometimes you don't... "
" Beautiful Dreamer..."

I never know what songs will come up; but I am 100% POSITIVE that the songs will keep coming.  On the days I delay awakening; I am often given songs with relevant messages in the lyrics to jolt me out of bed.   These messages may be the actual words in the song or the theme of the song.  The beat of the song may even be the message.  I have embraced these songs over time.  EXCEPT, when the song is really sort of annoying.  Then, I ask other people to help me to replace the tune.  I have noticed though, that until I really look at the words and the tune to determine the message- the song does not go away.  As soon as I recognize what the message is; it vanishes as quickly as it came.

All of my closest friends, chime in immediately singing right along with me.  I am so grateful to each and every one of them!  My sister and I have always had the musical connection.  We sing often when we have been blessed with time together!

I have always known that the songs have been Divine Messages.  Some of the tunes actually date back to before I was born!

As I walked around the water this evening; I started hearing a marching band playing. It immediately made me smile.  I had just taken action with courage regarding a speaking your truth matter in my personal life.  It took a lot of courage for me to take action.  The music immediately made me feel great!  I was inspired during my entire walk!

I had forgotten how significant the messages or words or no words in the Lyrics truly have in reference to things I have gone through looking back.  I am so grateful!

Music is so healing also.  If we sing and move our bodies; we become more aligned.

I wrote this blog as a reminder to all of you; to stop, smile and take notice of your own songs.  These songs can also be songs you hear on the radio.

Blessings to ALL!  May you find the Divine Miracles and Divine Love in your daily life.

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