It is amazing how fast time goes by. So much happens in one's life. It feels as if we live many lifetimes in the space of a lifetime. We evolve and grow as a person. We decide our preferences, dislikes and which paths to take. We keep traveling to new destinations; which are not just places; but are also new experiences, people and lessons. We do not often look back to see how much we have achieved or how far we have gone.
Then, one day, in a heartbeat, something changes....
For me, it was placing myself on Facebook. I looked at all the wonderful people,who I have known or been blessed to have known; even if just for a moment, with immense gratitude. I have been through a lot in my lifetime! I have moved many times. (I love experiencing new places, people, foods and cultures. I have also not ,until recently, fallen in love with a place in the country; where I would want to call it my permanent home. It is hard for many of my family members to understand.) I have lost everything I owned in a natural disaster, overcame a serious illness, went to many different schools for healing, rebuilt myself from a bankruptcy, relocated 4 times to places without family within 1000 miles, had several wonderful and heartbreaking long term relationships, strengthened my relationship with God on many occasions, embraced my intuitive and healing abilities, traveled all over the US, traveled to Italy and Greece, gained more courage to speak my truth, stand up for my beliefs, set boundaries for how I would like to be treated, learned to love myself unconditionally (when so many in my lifetime could not),embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage spanning from Sedona, AZ to Maui to Kona,HI to Sedona, AZ to Mt. Shasta, CA, and much more. I am not complaining. For each adversity has enabled me to learn and grow on a soul level. I forgive all those people; who have forsaken me. I am actually quite grateful to everyone.
My entire life passed before my very eyes in reconnecting with people; who entered my life in High School, in the workplace, in Healing Classes, ATP friends and fellow practitioners, family etc. I am very grateful that I found the courage to finally place myself out there on a global basis. I also realized just how far I have come, how much has changed within me, and how grateful I am even to those; who disliked me in the past.
I wish for each of you- peace, love and gratitude for who you are, who you were, and the achievements each of you has made. With Immense Love and Gratitude! Julia
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