Friday, September 30, 2011

Dare to Be Different/ Identify Your Gifts

As I walked my daily walk; I came upon a huge patch of sea grass(?).  The section of this succulent type plant was far vaster than the picture depicts.  I was amazed that only one plant in the entire grouping or perhaps family of plants stood out to me.  It was blooming in different colors begging to be recognized and loved for it's individuality.  I love the pink colors!!! I thought to myself- How interesting! 

It reminded me of how unique or different each of us truly is.  We were divinely created to be unique for a reason.  Each of us has our own beauty, radiance, divine presence, and gifts to share with the world/group/family etc.

It was truly the first time I took a picture; which reflected back to me a great representation of being the same (plant) and being different at the same time.  There have been many times; where I did not fit in or felt different.  In my younger years, I was picked on like most kids :-)  It's all good- we were all just trying to survive our younger years!

The angels guide me to say,"  Embrace your unique gifts, abilities and talents.  It is important for you to identify what these gifts are.  For they are outlets for you to make a difference in the world!   They are additional heartfelt ways to generate friends, income, peace etc.  May you embrace being different!  It is both safe to be who you really are and safe to speak the truth."

Remember when others are harsh; we are actually reflecting a piece of themselves back to them; which they are not ready to face and deal with.  The anger is truly not at us; but rather at themselves.  We are all one. Love one another even during the challenging times.

I am sending love to every living thing on this earth.  Please join me in anchoring more divine light to one another.

Blessings of Inner Peace and Abundance Always

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Remembrance of How Far We Have Come

It is amazing how fast time goes by.  So much happens in one's life.  It feels as if we live many lifetimes in the space of a lifetime.  We evolve and grow as a person.  We decide our preferences, dislikes and which paths to take.  We keep traveling to new destinations; which are not just places; but are also new experiences, people and lessons.  We do not often look back to see how much we have achieved or how far we have gone.

Then, one day, in a heartbeat, something changes....
For me, it was placing myself on Facebook.  I looked at all the wonderful people,who I have known or been blessed to have known; even if just for a moment, with immense gratitude.  I have been through a lot in my lifetime!  I have moved many times.  (I love experiencing new places, people, foods and cultures.  I have also not ,until recently, fallen in love with a place in the country; where I would want to call it my permanent home.  It is hard for many of my family members to understand.)  I have lost everything I owned in a natural disaster, overcame a serious illness, went to many different schools for healing, rebuilt myself from a bankruptcy, relocated 4 times to places without family within 1000 miles, had several wonderful and heartbreaking long term relationships, strengthened my relationship with God on many occasions, embraced my intuitive and healing abilities, traveled all over the US, traveled to Italy and Greece, gained more courage to speak my truth, stand up for my beliefs, set boundaries for how I would like to be treated, learned to love myself unconditionally (when so many in my lifetime could not),embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage spanning from Sedona, AZ to Maui to Kona,HI to Sedona, AZ to Mt. Shasta, CA,  and much more.  I am not complaining.  For each adversity has enabled me to learn and grow on a soul level.  I forgive all those people; who have forsaken me.  I am actually quite grateful to everyone.

My entire life passed before my very eyes in reconnecting with people; who entered my life in High School, in the workplace, in Healing Classes, ATP friends and fellow practitioners, family etc.  I am very grateful that I found the courage to finally place myself out there on a global basis.  I also realized just how far I have come, how much has changed within me, and  how grateful I am even to those; who disliked me in the past.

I wish for each of you- peace, love and gratitude for who you are, who you were, and the achievements each of you has made.  With Immense Love and Gratitude!  Julia

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Divine Messages in Songs

For as long as I can remember; I have always had songs playing in my head!  I remember going on a family vacation; where we were crabbing.  I could not get the song " Playing with the Queen of Hearts" out of my mind.  I was singing it all day.  I am surprised I was not thrown OVERBOARD by my family!  I was thinking the entire time of catching more and more crabs.  (Now, I feel badly as they are our friends in the Ocean.) I must have driven my entire family nuts that day!  Bless their hearts! 

The songs have always been perfectly timed.  The messages right on in the moment.  I will have to add another post in the future as I am not remembering all of the songs tonight.

Some of the angels repeated favorites are:   "The Wheels on the Bus GO Round and Round"- (Message life is supposed to be fun!  I need to have some fun time!) (OR those around me, need me to loosen them up or not take life or work so seriously) by breaking into song!!!!)
" Jimmy Cracked Corn and I Don't Care"  (BTW Where did this one come from anyway!  I think this song is hilarious!  It always makes me smile and laugh!) Who is Jimmy anyway? 
" Crazy for trying, crazy for loving you, etc." by Patsy Klein
"Tom's Diner" By Suzanne Vega- I get this one alot for the beat or at other times for the words.
"You are My Sunshine"
" Calling all Angels"- especially- "show me a sign; let me know you are there." (usually when I have asked for a sign.)
" Please won't you be my neighbor"  Mr Rodgers Theme song.
"Spinning Wheels" " What goes up...must come down...etc." (Hilarious!)
"Sometimes you feel like a nut; sometimes you don't... "
" Beautiful Dreamer..."

I never know what songs will come up; but I am 100% POSITIVE that the songs will keep coming.  On the days I delay awakening; I am often given songs with relevant messages in the lyrics to jolt me out of bed.   These messages may be the actual words in the song or the theme of the song.  The beat of the song may even be the message.  I have embraced these songs over time.  EXCEPT, when the song is really sort of annoying.  Then, I ask other people to help me to replace the tune.  I have noticed though, that until I really look at the words and the tune to determine the message- the song does not go away.  As soon as I recognize what the message is; it vanishes as quickly as it came.

All of my closest friends, chime in immediately singing right along with me.  I am so grateful to each and every one of them!  My sister and I have always had the musical connection.  We sing often when we have been blessed with time together!

I have always known that the songs have been Divine Messages.  Some of the tunes actually date back to before I was born!

As I walked around the water this evening; I started hearing a marching band playing. It immediately made me smile.  I had just taken action with courage regarding a speaking your truth matter in my personal life.  It took a lot of courage for me to take action.  The music immediately made me feel great!  I was inspired during my entire walk!

I had forgotten how significant the messages or words or no words in the Lyrics truly have in reference to things I have gone through looking back.  I am so grateful!

Music is so healing also.  If we sing and move our bodies; we become more aligned.

I wrote this blog as a reminder to all of you; to stop, smile and take notice of your own songs.  These songs can also be songs you hear on the radio.

Blessings to ALL!  May you find the Divine Miracles and Divine Love in your daily life.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Angel Signs

I, like many, have been going through some challenging times these past few months.  I have been praying, affirming, believing, and clearing myself of fears, worries, concerns and negative energies/ situations. This is extremely important; to stay unblocked.  Some of these changes have been involuntary; but definitely Divinely Guided.  At times, my head has been reeling from the fast pace at which things have occurred.  This is not something new for me by any means.  Nevertheless, it does not make it any easier to embrace rapid change.

I decided to start walking daily.  As I began my journey, I started praying and talking to God.  I was guided to look up into the sky.  AMAZINGLY!  There before my very eyes was the largest Angel Cloud I have ever seen in my life!  The feather like detail was so vivid! 
The message I received was, " Of course, all prayers are heard and answered. You are Clear."  I had been asking for a sign of late as I have had to clear some negative energies from my fields.  I asked for a sign of reassurance that God was actually able to hear my prayers. I was asking to make sure the blockages I had cleared where completely gone. . 
I wanted to share the miracle!  This picture was taken by me.  I wanted everyone to see it no matter where they live!  Angels are really all around us and everywhere!  They carry our prayers and deliver Divine messages to us.  They truly want to help us to be happy and at peace.
  My pictures truly do not do it any justice! 

May you be blessed with your own miracles!  I am so grateful!
Love Julia

Friday, September 9, 2011

Meditations in nature/ Quieting the Mind

I have taken this photograph at a place I recently visited.  I find the shores of the Northern California Coast to be the particularly healing!  The land is untouched in so many places.  I wanted to share this beautiful picture with all of you!  ENJOY THE VIEW!

It is becoming more and more important to quiet one's mind.  Meditation gives us the opportunity to quiet the chatter of the mind.  Meditation allows us to sit quietly to connect with God and his messengers, The Angels.  By quieting our minds; we are not replacing the other ways in which we each are drawn to connect with God.  Instead, we are taking the time to create sacred space to personally connect no matter where we are, and what circumstances we find ourselves in.  In an era of great change, natural disasters, weather pattern changes and challenging economic times; the angels advise that it is so important to routinely meditate to find a place of inner peace in the face of chaos.  There are wonderful miracles; which are gifts given to those who meditate on a regular basis.

I have experienced some of them myself.  It is my wish that each of you will experience them for yourselves as well.  God is alive.  God is alive in each of us.  God is in all living things.  Many people are still asleep spiritually.  More and more people are awakening.  It would be too much if everyone were to awaken all at once.

It is time to send love and forgiveness to each other and to all living things.  It is a time to quiet the chatter of the ego.  A time to heal and love one another and ourselves.  Many of us have become so critical of ourselves due to other people criticizing or judging our every move.

This part of the blog is about how to meditate.  Many people find it hard to sit still or quiet their minds.  Have you ever looked at a scene like the picture at the top? Meditation can be as simple as sitting quietly looking at nature.  Take a deep breath in ands exhale.  With each exhale, let out all the tension, fears, worries and concerns.  Take another deep breath.  Exhale releasing even more cares, worries and concerns.  Picture divine white light coming into your body and warmly surrounding you.  Ask Archangel Michael to protect and surround you with the Angels of the Light.  Relax...hear the sounds of nature...imagine the waves breaking on the beach in the distance.  Visualize each wave washing away all the heaviness of the day...

At this point close your eyes and listen to the sounds of nature.  Focus on how relaxed your body feels.  Just be in this quiet moment.  If you are still having a challenge at this point; you might try to select a theme.

Some suggested themes are:
Peace, etc. 

Go within your own heart and let go.  Just be in the moment.

When your meditation session is complete; open your eyes and gradually return to your surroundings.

I would also suggest listening to any one of the wonderful musical meditation CD's out there!  It does help in extraordinary ways. 

The first few times; you may notice how busy your mind chatter is.  Watch your thoughts.  Visualize each thought being carried on a cloud into the Light.  Focus on your heart beat or a theme.  Cut the cords of whatever thoughts come to you.  Quiet your mind.  Let all you cares and worries fade into the silence.

I would suggest meditating daily preferably at the same time each day.  I find it very helpful to walk outdoors with a portable CD player or Ipod.  It is also a good thing to carry a journal to record any epiphanies, divine messages or experiences.

You can start meditating for a short time period.  Some people use a timer.

Be at Peace!

Blessed Be,

Speaking One's Truth

I have learned that each of us carries our own fears, worries and concerns about being who we really are.  It is quite evident that we live in an extremely judgemental and critical world.  Even when we truly make an effort to rise above this behavior; it can be challenging for even the most spiritually awake person to always be in a place of discernment and love for all others no matter what their words or actions are.

I have personally been wrestling with putting myself out there globally as a divine channel, crystal programmer and healer; who is of humble service to others in need.  It has taken me 3 years to actually get a website, Facebook, blog and Twitter page.  I realized that I had to recognize, acknowledge my behaviors and release them in order to rise above and remove the fears.  These fears were in fact blocking me from being of service and doing what I love.  I was also subconsciously delaying stepping into my divine life purpose by activities like games, researching, bartering, movie watching, talking on the phone, etc. 

Last night- I simply decided to put my foot down, to take action, to get my website ready by the end of this weekend.  I know I am protected and safe to be who I really am.  I am loved divinely and to me that is really all that matters.
I decided to write this entry as an inspiration to others.  It is okay to be different!  It is okay to be in service to the Divine!  AND it is okay to be utilizing one's gifts to assist others to achieve inner peace.  Unfortunately, there will always be those who do not understand, or accept or acknowledge that we are in fact working in service to the Light. 

The angels remind me that there are many souls at different levels of understanding.  They remind me that each soul has different triggers, lessons and experiences that they have come into this life to learn from.   "For they know not what they do..."  Forgiveness of self and others is most important.  Truly loving others is unconditional....." For they know not what they do."

My wishes for all of you....

May you find the courage, motivation and inspiration to truly be who you are.  May you step into a new period of your life; where you do what you love.  May you easily and effortlessly identify your Divine gifts, talents and abilities.  May all of those closest to you love and support you.  And most of all; be at peace and be happy!

Blessings of Love, Joy and Abundance now and always!
Love Always